Working in Corona Times or "letting the genie out of the bottle".
I have a background with companies that have
been technology or telecommunications driven. The concept of "working from home" has for me been normal for over 20 years. Laptops, VPNs, SecurID Tokens, Audio/Video Conferencing. Nothing new. After chatting to a good friend who used to work in the same company, we discussed that this isn't the case for everyone. Some organisations wouldn't allow their employees to work from home due to the nature of their work (onsite technicians or call centres for example). Other companies have line managers who don't like the concept of working from home. My friend then used the expression "have we let the genie out of the bottle?". This comment intrigued me and my curiosity kicked in, which meant a much longer conversation! In summary ... the genie is the myth that we can be more effective and productive if we work in large offices together.
We have been living in a world where although technology enables us to work remotely, often it is the behavioural side that has stopped us from doing this more. In these Corona times for the past two months (here in Germany at least) we haven't had much of a choice but to allow working from home to
happen. It was initially encouraged and then later required. So can we go back to
how the world worked before? Or do we even want to?
In my experience if a leader in a company believes that people are more productive being sat at their desk in an office, then the likelihood is that is the culture of not working from home will permeate around the company. If a line manager thinks that a specific role cannot be effectively done from home, then exploring the possibility of what is actually possible from home just won't happen. It isn't technology, it is preferences and beliefs that have limited this approach. As per the quote I read in Deutsche Welle
from Johannes Schuler of the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems
"Some companies believe their workers don't really work from home in the same way they would work in the offices and in that way try to prevent any work-from-home approaches..."
Now though, due to Covid-19, we are being forced to accept that we need to do as much as can remotely and we need to adapt. As companies explore ways to continue their business critical functions via VPN's, Zoom, Google Meet etc, how can we then say in 3 months (yes I am probably be optimistic in my timelines) that we all need to head back to the office? What will be the business justification for doing this after we have all worked in an environment where so much of the workforce can operate remotely? On. different levels there are different challenges and opportunities:
For Employees
- it will be difficult to hear that the flexibility that hey have now in working from home is being reduced, and in some cases removed
- for others being able to re-socialise again is an important step back towards normality (whatever that looks like)
- not having to work from an improvised desk and that will be a relief
For Line Managers
- having to adapt and learn new skills on how to manage remote teams
- learning to trust more in their team members can and will get the job done remotely (micro-managing must be very challenging right now!).
For Organisations
- why should they continue to rent or own huge and costly office space? The potential reduction in operating expenses are significant and different location strategies will be discussed - Investment in remote working technologies is and will continue to rise
As we adapt to these challenging times, what is clear is that for employees, line managers and organisations things have changed. The genie is out of the bottle and I don't think we can put it back.